This morning, I responded to a post on Facebook on a relationship issue from a girl who says her boyfriend beats her and he called that he wants her back. First any man who raises his hands to beat a woman is a WEAKLING. Ladies, please please please, do not wait to be dead to leave then relationship, if you don't listen to the news or watch Lifetime movie network (Like me) then you need to start. Abuse is not a funny matter, and it should not be taken likely. Some women claim that their partners love them that's why he beats them. If he loves you he should never raise a finger on you. If you are not even married to him, it is easier for you to leave the relationship than for you to remain there for years. Also if he never listens to you, or ask for your opinion, just because he may be older or well educated than you, then you have to do something about it.
If you are a woman in an abusive relationship, PLEASE never threaten to leave your partner or make threats to report to the police, because you will make it even worse. Go to the nearest police station to report the case. Threatening him might even make him angry and might even get you killed. Also do not wait for the second abuse attempt to occur, talk to someone or report to the police, cause the second might be your last. Whenever an abuse occur PLEASE for your safety, let someone know about it, someone you can always confide in. Never try to handle the situation, because you might not handle it well.
Abuse is not only physical, there are emotional and verbal abuse is also included. Some women would say "oh my partner never hits me" but the truth is that he might have said some things that made you feel worthless or even make you have a low self esteem. As women, we sometimes forget to note the red flags in our relationships. Emotional abuse can come from reminding you of your past and using it against you in an argument, or even calling you overweight or underweight and comparing you to other women of his taste and so on. So don't wait to till you are dead or have a low self esteem to know that you are in an abusive relationship.
The same goes for the men. I know it is rare to find men being abused by their wives, but it happen in our society.