What happened to waiting for the RIGHT one? My generation is in a state of commotion. We live in the fast world of communication and technology, that even meeting your spouse has to be a MICROWAVE thing. I have talked a lot about marriage and divorce and also about meeting the right one. Ladies when did it become a sin or a law that if you are not married at a certain age, your whole world is over? These days, women are in unnecessary competition with themselves over who gets married first or whose husband is the sexiest or the richest. Remember life is not all about being sexy or being rich. Because even the bible says that "All is vanity". One day his 6 packs will become 1 pack, and his 10 figure dollar account can become 4 figure account. Haven't we seen or learnt from the mistakes of others? Why do we keep dragging marriage in the mud? They get married just because they want that ring and then divorce after 72 days?
It is even worse among Nigerian women. Its like if they don't get married at a certain age, they jump on the very next thing with pants and a dick to marry them. Ladies, where is your self-esteem? Haven't you seen women who are single and making it? I am not against marriage, I believe in marriage, but I also stand for being with the right man or woman. The one who makes you happy, makes you complete, and brings out the beauty and potential in you. Not one who hardly cares about you or sees you as a sex object. So my fellow single ladies, WAIT for MR. RIGHT. He will come looking for you. Don't go looking for HIM. Men smell desperation even from afar off.
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