Divorce gets even worse when there are kids involved. Why? Because parents get selfish. Or should I say some parents are selfish. You have produce kids in the world, then later realize that you married the wrong man or woman! Then you realize that this (Marriage) wasn't what you signed up for. Then because you are both adults (well you claim you are) u separate, not considering the children you brought forth to the world.
Its just like when u both decided to say "I DO" u never thought about the kids u were gonna have. Then once u guys divorce, the kids involved become traumatized. But the parents expects the child not to be affected (BIG FAT LIE).
Children from divorced homes turn out to be menace to the society! Well not all, but some are. Most of them are traumatized emotionally, especially if their parents separated @ a very young age.
Think about this; parents can definately move on faster than kids. Why? Because they can meet someone else.
Mom /dad can be remarried; a new spouse. What happens to the kids? Yeh they might be getting a new mom or dad, but remember its called (STEP-PARENT). My people have a saying " blood is thicker than water".
In some cases, this kids are molested by the new "parent". Either physical abuse, sexual abuse or emotional abuse.
Abuse might not come only from the "step parent", relatives also, from either side of the family.
Before u walk down to the alter to say "I DO" please think about what you going into.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing wrong about marriage, I'm just against the divorce part, because once divorce happens with kids involved, scars occur.
What amazes me is, when a couple has been married for over 30 years, and decide to divorce, and their reason(s) I married the wrong man/woman, or he /she changed.
Children involved in divorce don't have to be toddlers or elementary school kids, even adults can be strongly affected by the separation of their parents. Truth is some of them begin ti get scared of marriage, because they don't seem to understand why happy mom and dad decided to call it quits (well not always happy sometimes).
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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