So I just found out something about me. I have known that a long time ago, but I never seemed to come to terms that I was guilty of the crime. I found out that I always had a back up plan for everything. I used to have a saying that if plan A doesn't work, I move to plan B,C,D-Z. Dont get me wrong, Im not saying its bad to have a back up plan, but there are certain things that don't need back up plans in life, things that should just come naturally. All you have to do is just trust God and be sure u have surrendered everything to him. So instead of dealing with the difficult ones you know you cant handle, don't sweat it, LET GO, AND LET GOD, and you will never be disappointed.
I also learnt that I start too many projects at the same time, and I end up not finishing. I had to do a mental review of my life so far, and I saw all my uncompleted projects. Now, I just want to focus on one thing first at a time. Take things on a steady pace. Instead of running to catch up with others, I will go on my own pace.

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