According to Vanguard Nigeria, Boko Haram, the terrorist group in Nigeria, has given an ultimatum for Christians in the north to move out within 3 days. And asking for the Northerners to move back to the North. What is going on in Nigeria today?
Please Pray for Nigeria, other nations suffer from natural attacks and disasters, but in Nigeria, we suffer from MAN MADE DISASTERS. This has to stop.
I believe there is an OCCUPYNIGERIA going on right now in many states, will violence be the answer?
Our leaders don't care about us, they are in their own world. While they crush us with their policies, they benefit from this policies. They drive around in their big cars, and well air-conditioned cars and home. There is no security, no jobs, no proper education, but mind you they send their kids abroad (taken classes with some of them) but the average Nigerian, cant even afford to pay his children's school fees.
Before any election, they come with their lies, and we fall for it. Once they get into power, they misuse power.
#sigh... What more can I say? Speechless
How long are we going to be living like this, under this harsh condition.
I say no more than to weep for my Nation.

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